You know, I was going to use another heading to this post (it’s a default heading to the sample from WordPress) but it seems appropriate, so I’m using it!
My name is Jet.
I have done a lot of things in my lifetime.

Workwise, it’s probably easier to tell you what I haven’t done than what I have.
Playwise, not so much. I tend to stick to a few tried and true pleasures in my free time – horses, art, reading, and dreaming. Do you suppose that’s telling, somehow?
I have a website for my work of the last ten years – Jean T Tucker, CPA.
I have a website to display my art and that of my family and friends – Kindred Views. There are photos to look at, photos to buy, paintings to buy.
And then there’s World Wealth UNLtd. You’ll find blog posts by fellow members of The Womens Council. You can learn more about The Shift and The Womens Council at Perception U and me.
This place….
This place is for us. This place is for me to share what I’ve learned of Simplicity, Grace, Spirit, Truth.
This place is for you to ask me questions about all or some of the above. And maybe I can answer them, and maybe I can’t, but somehow, during the discussion, I’ll bet you can answer them for yourself.
So now that the site is started, I’ll be putting stuff up here, changing and playing and designing and writing, and I hope you’ll visit often and let me know how I’m doing.
So I think the heading of this post is appropriate –
Hello world!
One reply on “Hello world!”
Thanks! I’ll do my best!